People's Choice Awards (Local and Foreign ETPs)

At the 2025 SALTA Awards there will be TWO People's Choice Awards, one for your favourite local ETP and one for your
favourite foreign ETP.

These awards are unique. We ask the South African public to tell us what their favourite local/foreign ETP is and why?

Your comments are important to the organisers as they provide direct feedback on public opinion concerning the products that
have the greatest popular appeal. This could be because:

  • Of the good returns you have had by investing in a particular ETF/ETN.
  • The unique value of an ETP which could include:
    • Access to a particular asset class or type of investment, not available elsewhere;
    • Low costs; 
    • High dividend yields; 
    • Easy to understand; 
    • Good access.

Disclosure: Personal information and other data collected during the Awards will not be used for commercial means but rather to verify the authenticity of votes and to prevent duplication and the like. Each of the organisers commits to appropriate storage and use of the data under their respective POPI policies.

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